
水からヒ素を除去できる新材料(New materials that can remove arsenic from water)

物質・材料研究機構は6日、水から有毒なヒ素を簡単に除去できる新材料を開発したと発表した。微細な穴が多数開いたアルミナの穴の内壁に、ヒ素を優先的に捕 らえる化合物をびっしりと敷き詰めた構造。アジアやアフリカなどでは地下水が広範囲にヒ素で汚染されているため、新材料を安全な水の確保に役立てたいとし ている。
 一般的な吸着材のゼオライトはヒ素以外の様々な物質も取り込んでしまうため、処理後の廃棄物が膨大になる難点があった。開発した新材料は特 にヒ素を選んで吸着するため少量で済むという。化学処理でヒ素を取り出し、材料を再利用することも可能。ヒ素を吸着すると白色から青色に変化するため、汚 染を調べるセンサーとしても利用できる。

NIMS is 06, announced that it has developed new materials that can be easily removed toxic arsenic from water. The inner wall of the bore hole of a number of open alumina fine structure and closely laid in preference to capture the arsenic compound. In Asia and Africa because it is extensively contaminated with arsenic groundwater  to ensure that safe water and new materials.

Packed in a small bag of new materials, the adsorption of arsenic in only a few contaminated water and stir into. 90% can be removed from polluted water within hours of high concentrations of arsenic, for example 2PPM. Significantly reduce arsenic in repeating this.

A typical zeolite adsorbents because incorporates a variety of substances other than arsenic, which had enormous difficulty of treated waste. Development of new materials is living in a small amount, especially for adsorbing arsenic choose. Remove the arsenic in chemical processing, materials can be reused. Changes from white to blue to adsorb arsenic, can be used as sensors determine the contamination.

For use at the individual level as well as water treatment plants, and plans to tackle the spread, such as developing countries.

Can offer less expensive for many people, I want to be recyclable and practical form.

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