
秋入学への全面移行(Full conversion to the fall enrollment)

入学時期の見直しを検討している東京大学の懇談会が学部の春入学を廃止し、秋入学への全面移行を求める中間報告をまとめたことが 18日、分かった。世界各国の大学の7割が実施している秋入学を実現することで、国際化の推進と入学前の学生に半年間、多様な経験を積ませることなどが狙 い。
  入試自体は現行通り春に行うとした上で、高校卒業から秋入学までの半年間に、ボランティアなどを積ませることで、受験競争で染みついた偏差値重視の価値観 をリセットし、大学で学ぶ目的意識を明確化できると指摘。就学期間中も留学や体験活動などを入れて卒業までに4年半~5年かけるとした。

Undergraduate admission to abolish the spring meeting of the University of Tokyo is considering a review of the admission period, 18 to seek an interim report summarizing the full transition to fall admission revealed. By bringing the fall enrollment has implemented 70% of the world's universities, six months before the admission of students and promotion of international, that aim to gain experience and diverse.
The future, If you get a consensus on campus, aims to introduce as early as five years after the notice period and such descriptions of the business community. The campus is also controversial but, to be bent is expected to achieve.
The Ministry of Education is "to prevent brain drain to foreign countries to improve international competitiveness," but out of the voice of welcome, and also impact on the timing of university entrance and other recruitment activities of government companies and if implemented may be.
The interim report, the deviation of the world's universities and the general fall enrollment, "which restricts the international exchange of students and faculty," he said. Shows a sense of crisis in competition for top students and faculty are engaged in the world's leading universities, is suing for realizing the need for early consideration.
And conduct themselves on the admissions in the spring as the current six months before graduating from high school fall enrollment, by having his wife and volunteers, and reset the values ​​ingrained in the competitive exam oriented deviation, studied at university clarify the sense of purpose can be said. Applying the four years to five years to graduate study and hands-on activities such as putting the school during the period.
Council received an interim report of the University of Tokyo, Kyoto and Osaka the future, has been committed to carefully consider the admissions fall, began to spread to other universities might. You yourself looking back slowly and volunteer experience, etc. which might actually be a good time. Whole, instead of trouble Hopefully I might go that direction is low.

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