
裁量権の範囲内(Range of discretion)

入学式や卒業式で日の丸に向かって起立して君が代を斉唱しなかったため懲戒処分を受けた東京都立学校の教職員が処分取り消しを求めた3件の訴訟の上 告審判決で、最高裁第1小法廷(金築裁判長)は16日、「職務命令違反に対し、学校の規律や秩序保持の見地から重すぎない範囲で懲戒処分をすることは 裁量権の範囲内」との初判断を示し、1度の不起立行為であっても戒告処分は妥当とした。
 一方、不起立を繰り返して処分が重くなる点は「給与など直接の不利益が及ぶ減給や停職には、過去の処分歴や態度から慎重な考慮が必要」と判断。戒 告を取り消した2件の2審判決を破棄して教職員の逆転敗訴とする一方、停職となった教職員の一部の処分を取り消した。裁判官5人のうち4人の多数意見。宮川裁判官は「注意や訓告にとどめるべき」との反対意見を述べた。

The court of appeal hearing three lawsuits sought to cancel the disposal of the school staff Tokyo Metropolitan subjected to disciplinary action did not sing the national anthem and stand toward the rising sun at the entrance ceremony and graduation ceremony, the Supreme Court first small (built judge Friday) August 16, "for breach of duty instruction, disciplinary action can range from the standpoint of holding too heavy school discipline and order within the range of discretion" and represents the first decision, one even reprimand disposal undisciplined conduct was reasonable degree.

On the other hand, the point where repeated heavy irregular disposition is "to extend a pay cut or suspend direct disadvantages, such as salaries, require careful consideration of disposition and attitude of the past history," determined. While the reversal of the faculty lost to discard the second judgment 2 reprimand rescinded, canceled the disposition of some of the teachers were suspended. Majority of four out of five judges. Miyagawa judges' attention and kept to a light admonishment "and said the opposition.

In the Osaka Prefectural Assembly last year enacted ordinances mandating the singing of the anthem standing on public school teachers. Fundamentals of Education Act also defines the order violated duties to further undesirable discharge "Restoration Association Osaka" has been submitted, the decision is likely to affect the discussion of the ordinance. It is a reasonable decision. In many countries, there is a norm flags decorated the classroom. The field of education, I will have to regain order and discipline each client.

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