
19歳差のペア結成(Formed between a pair of 19)

テ ニスの全豪オープンで日本男子のエース、22歳の錦織圭(フリー)と女子のベテラン、41歳のクルム伊達公子(エステティックTBC)が主催者推薦で混合 ダブルスに出場することが18日、決まった。錦織はロンドン五輪に向け「出られるなら、混合ダブルスでプレーしたい」と話しており、五輪を見据えた19歳差のペア結成となった。

Australian Open men's tennis aces in Japan, 22-year-old Kei Nishikori (free) and female veterans, 41-year-old Kimiko Date Krumm (Esthetic TBC) May 18 to compete in mixed doubles at the recommendation organizers, decided. Nishikori is for the London Olympics, "if you can out, want to play mixed doubles," and he said, was formed between a pair of  the Olympics 19 years.

Sense of the practical aims of polish rarely four major tournaments in addition to the opportunity to face up to the Olympic mixed doubles match. Date Krumm, is set Hiseraduruko Nishikori in the first round of 20, Schwarzenegger set link Eduardo (Argentina) to play against.

London Olympics has been adopted in the new mixed doubles event, which will play two sets to 16 sets of countries and regions. Entries can only be crossed in pairs to compete in the Olympics men's singles or doubles as a rule.

Experience, focus on the pair I want. I want to play a first round first break.

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