
「脳動脈瘤」の新しい治療法("Aneurysm" new treatment)

 脳の動脈にできる小さなコブの内側に、特殊な筒を挿入してコブへの血液の流入を遮断、破裂を防ぐ。既存の治療法と比べて安全性が高いなど利点が多く、3年後、臨床試験(治験)を目指す。 同センターでは、心筋梗塞などの治療で、詰まった血管を内側から広げるステント(金属製の筒)治療に実績がある。今回、中山室長らは複雑に曲がりくねった脳の動脈内でも固定できる、伸縮性の高いポリウレタン製フィルムで覆われたステントを開発した。

Cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage "brain aneurysm" to new treatments, the National Cardiovascular Research Center (Suita, Osaka) was developed by Nakayama et laboratory chief.

Small bumps on the inside of the arteries of the brain can, shut off the flow of blood to the lump by inserting a special tube to prevent rupture. Many advantages such as high safety compared with existing therapies, after three years, clinical trials (trials), aims to. The center, including the treatment of myocardial infarction, stents widen blood vessels clogged from the inside (metal cylinder), there is a proven treatment. Now, they can be fixed in Zhongshan chief arteries of the brain complicated winding developed a stent covered with polyurethane film with high elasticity.

Size is 3 to 6 mm in diameter and 2-3 cm long, with 12 types according to the affected area. To 1 mm diameter rod, to extend the stent in sending vessels from blood vessels in the legs Cobb. In the film, stopping the flow of blood to the Cobb. In experiments on rabbits artificially brain aneurysm about 50 animals at all, completely deflated lump disappeared. In addition, I want to continue with the aim of practical clinical tests on humans. It will be a lot of life survive.

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