
4年以内に約70%の確率(70% chance within four years)

 昨年3月11日の東日本大震災をきっかけに、首都圏では地震活動が活発化。気象庁の観測によると12月までにM3~6の地震が平均で1日当たり1・48回発生しており、震災前の約5倍に上っている。 同研究所の平田教授らは、この地震活動に着目。マグニチュードが1上がるごとに、地震の発生頻度が10分の1になるという地震学の経験則を活用し、今後起こりうるM7の発生確率を計算した。地震という驚異の前に、人は無力です。日本には、山や岩等に神仏が宿っていいるという独特の宗教観が古くからあります。おごり高ぶる状態から大自然の前に跪く心が今願われているのかもしれませんね。

Magnitude (M) to estimate that about 70% chance of occurring within the next four years the capital of the earthquake directly under Class 7, compiled by the University of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute, the research team.

Calculated in the light of circumstances that are seismically active earthquake in the eastern metropolitan area. The probability of occurrence of earthquakes in southern Kanto region, including the capital, just under "70% within 30 years" compared to evaluate the government's Headquarters for Earthquake Research has been, and I highly predictive of urgency.

East of the earthquake triggered the March 11 last year, increased activity in the metropolitan area earthquake. 1.48 times per day and generated an average of M3 ~ 6 earthquake in December, according to the JMA observation that up to about five times before the earthquake. Hirata and his colleagues of the institute is focused on earthquake activity. Up by one magnitude, seismology utilizes heuristics that one-tenth the frequency of earthquakes, calculated the probability of possible future M7. Before the earthquake amazing, man is helpless. Japan has an ancient religious beliefs that have unique deities that dwells in the mountains and rocks, etc.. It may be that the mind is now  kneel before perk it from the state of nature.

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