
総統選(Mopping-up campaign)

台湾の総統・立法院(国会)同時選挙が14日、投票日を迎える。総統選には3人が立候補しているが、中台融和志向の与党国民党の現職、馬英九総統(国民党主席)と、4年ぶりの政権返り咲きを目指す台湾独立志向の野党民進党の蔡英文主席による事実上の一騎打ち。中台関係や経済政策を巡り、両陣営による激しい選 挙戦が最終日まで続いた。即日開票され、結果は同日夜には判明する見通しだが、大接戦が予想される。
 選挙戦最終日の13日、馬氏は民進党の地盤である南部の高雄市などを遊説した後、最激戦区の台中市に立ち寄り、台北市で選挙戦を締めくくっ た。一方、蔡氏は国民党の勢力が強い台北を中心に北部で選挙戦を展開。台北に隣接する新北市で最後の支持を訴えた。李登輝元総統も蔡氏とともに壇上に立っ た。李氏が公の場に姿を現したのは大腸がんの手術後に退院した昨年11月中旬以来。

President of Taiwan Legislative Yuan (parliament) elections on November 14 at the same time, welcome to election day. The mopping-up campaign will be running for three people, incumbent KMT party-oriented integrated Nakadai, President Ma's (senior KMT) and by the chief English Tsai's Democratic Progressive Party-oriented Taiwan independence aims to comeback government in four years de facto duel. Cross-strait relations over the economic policies and continued until the last day of fierce election campaign by both sides. The ballot the same day, same night, but the result is likely to be known, is expected squeaker.

13 the last day of the election, Ma said after a campaign rally in southern Kaohsiung and the DPP ground, stop the battleground city of Taichung again, finished the race in Taipei. On the other hand, will expand the campaign in northern 蔡氏 especially strong influence of the KMT Taipei. The last of sued 新北 adjacent to the Taipei City. Yuan stood on stage with President Lee Teng-hui also 蔡氏. The public has emerged since mid-November last year, Lee was discharged after surgery for colorectal cancer.

Legislative Yuan election and became president of this voting day (113 constant) can be maintained focus on the election the KMT majority. 現有 but 72 seats to be seen whether the forces keep far. It is noted that one wins or exit of the two candidates show a striking difference in the relations with China. It may also affect the presidential election in major countries continue.

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