
University of Tokyo to protect the seat of Asian leaders.

According to the World University Rankings of 2013 that British higher education magazine Times Higher Education (THE) has announced the 3rd , to increase the four ranking from 27 in the previous , Tokyo University of Asia premier became a # 23 . However , breakthrough of Asia is remarkable bias continues , National University of Singapore is thin to become the University of Tokyo # 26 from # 29 last .
Development of research support system and strengthening of interdisciplinary research , such as the increase in foreign students are evaluated also South Korea, Seoul National University , before we can significantly up to 44 in this time 124 of the times , from 59 in the last . I exceeded Kyoto University and at the 2-position , Peking University , Tsinghua University of China in Japan .
The ranking criteria and internationalization of faculty paper citations and evaluation , international students and researchers to which it belongs. The goal to put the 10 universities from Japan to 100 ranked within the top of the world rankings within 10 years , Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has come up with policies that promote and internationalization of the university .
5 University comes in the 200 ranked within the status quo . It is seems difficult to approach the target of 10 to 100 university ranked within it , if you do not put the power considerably .

英高等教育専門誌タイムズ・ハイヤー・エデュケーション(THE)が3日発表した2013年の世界大学ランキン グによると、アジア首位の東京大学は前回の27位から四つ順位を上げ、23位となった。ただ、引き続きアジア勢の躍進がめざましく、国立シンガポール大学 は前回の29位から26位となり東大に肉薄。

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