
Toilet poem

17, TOTO (Kitakyushu) announced the winning work 9th to the poem episodes toilet "toilet poem". Best Award "granddaughter to brush the toilet came with a jerk". Copywriter Nakahata's judges described it "praiseworthy young people willing to clean if the grandchildren of their own, it comes with a jerk" he said.
"Eco shower lukewarm off winter summer" of the runner-up representation of the power-saving function bidet. Many people is so nod to "I take to travel abroad toilet chic" which reaffirmed the comfort of the toilet in Japan foreign country.

That you feel Try out abroad, it's great 's toilet environment of Japan. I Would not less What countries bidet function is on. It might be because of TOTO.

TOTO(北九州市)は17日、トイレにまつわるエピソードを詠んだ第9回「トイレ川柳」の入選作を発表した。最優秀賞は「グッときた トイレを磨く 孫娘」。審査員のコピーライター仲畑さんは「掃除をいとわない感心な若者が自分の孫なら、それはグッとくる」と評した。
 次点の「夏はオフ 冬はぬるめの エコシャワー」はおしり洗浄機能の節電を表現。異国で日本のトイレの快適さを再確認した「海外旅行 トイレシックに かかる僕」には多くの人がうなずけそうだ。

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