
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons.

The 11th, the Nobel Prize Committee in Norway announced that it would award (OPCW, headquarters The Hague, Netherlands) to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which is doing the inspections for the chemical weapons disposal of Syria the Nobel Peace Prize in 2013. OPCW is an international organization was established on the basis of chemical weapons ban treaty that was signed in Paris in 1993, entered into force in 1997 to (CWC).
In 2009, the women by Taliban by posting under the pseudonym blog Urdu the BBC broadcasting the plight of people living with terrified in the Swat valley was under the control of the (TTP) militants Pakistani Taliban movement at the age of 11 criticized the sabotage of the school, and continue to work to sue for peace and the need for education to women, not winning Mr. Marara was noted from the West. The voice of disappointment in Pakistan.

2009年、11歳の時に武装勢力パキスタン・ターリバーン運動(TTP)の支配下にあったスワート渓谷で恐怖におびえながら生きる人々の惨状をBBC放送のウルドゥー語のブログにペンネームで投稿してターリバーンによる女子校の破壊活動を批判、女性への教育の必要性や平和を訴える活動を続け、欧米から注目されたマララさん受賞ならず。 パキスタンでは落胆の声。

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