
がんだけを明るく光らせる技術(Technology only shine brighter cancer)

患部にスプレーをかけて、がんだけを明るく光らせる技術を、東京大と米国立衛生研究所のチームが開発し、23日の米医学誌「サイエンス・トランスレーショ ナル・メディシン」に発表した。マウスの実験で確認した。手術や検査の際、がんの見落としを防ぐ方法として、臨床応用を目指す。
 チームは、がん細胞で特に働きが強まる酵素を見つけ、その酵素と結びつくと緑色に光る試薬を開発した。がんを移植したマウスの腹部を開け、試薬をスプ レーしたところ、数十秒~数分後にがんの部分だけが肉眼でも確認できるほど強く光り出した。開腹せず内視鏡を使ってスプレーした場合も同じ結果が得られた。この酵素は肺がんや肝臓がん、一部の乳がん、大腸がんなどで強く働く。正常細胞にもこの酵素は存在するが、がん細胞の方が20倍以上明るく光るため、 区別が可能。1ミリ以下のがんも光らせることができるという。

Spray over the affected area, to shine brightly as cancer technology, developed by a team of Tokyo University and the National Institutes of Health, American Journal of Medicine on April 23, "Science Translational Medicine" was published. Confirmed by experiments on mice. And inspection during surgery, as a way to prevent cancer oversight aims to clinical application.
The team is working to find a stronger enzyme specifically in cancer cells have developed a reagent that glow green when combined with the enzyme. Open the abdomen of the mice implanted with cancer, was sprayed with the reagent, the light out so strong with the naked eye can see only part of the cancer even after tens of seconds to minutes. The same results were obtained when sprayed with the endoscope without laparotomy. This enzyme and liver cancers lung, breast, some strong work, such as colon cancer. This enzyme is also present in normal cells, shining brightly for more than 20 times more cancer cells can be distinguished. That it can also illuminate the cancer less than one millimeter.
Professor of the Tokyo team Urano (chemical biology) said, "is a very small amount, about 1 mg in the case of humans, is less concerned about side effects. You can check for any oversights in the surgical removal of cancer  to determine the transition, "he said. When taken before the test, "Cancer" It might be difficult and would be better to publish only part. If we also early detection of cancer, I might be afraid of going sick. Medical development is incredible.

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