
グローバル人材育成(Global Human Resource Development)

企業活動のグローバル化が進む中、若手社員を海外に派遣する企業が増えている。背景には、縮小が続く国内市場よりも海外市場に重点を置こうとする国内企業の現状がある。できるだけ若いうちから海外経験を積ませるため、20代の全社員を派遣したり、入社前の内定者を対象にしたりする企業もある。激しさ を増す国際競争は、多くの企業をグローバル人材育成に駆り立てている。
 三菱商事は、今年度から入社8年目までの全社員に海外経験を義務づ ける新制度を導入。これまで年間約50人だった海外派遣人数を、毎年の新卒採用人数と同程度の150~170人に拡大した。海外ビジネスの主戦場が新興国 となっている昨今、「欧米と違い、これらの国々に精通している若者は少ない」(同社広報)とし、会社側が働きかけて海外経験をさせることの必要性を訴え る。
 メーカーでは、日立製作所が派遣人数 を約10倍に大幅拡大。今年度と来年度の2年間で、30代中ごろまでの社員計2000人をグループから選んで1~3カ月間、海外の現地工場や語学学校、取 引先などに派遣する。海外派遣記録はデータベース化し、将来の人事配置にも生かす。同社は海外売上比率を来年度には50%超とする目標を掲げており、グ ローバル志向は強まる一方だ。
9月にスイスの製薬大手ナイコメッドを約1兆円規模で大型買収した武田薬品工業は、来年度以降に派遣対象者を30代後半の中堅クラスから20代後半に若返りさせる方針だ。海外の関連会社などに派遣し、期間も従来の2年より長くする見通し。同社広報によると「公募も含め(対象者の)選抜方法を見直す」 予定という。
 入社前の内定者に海外留学の機会を与える企業もある。トヨタ自動車は来年度の新入社員から最大10人を入社前の半年間、米国 ペンシルベニア大学に短期留学させる。授業料、渡航費は会社側が負担。「日本の国際競争力向上のため」(同社広報)にも、より早期の海外経験が重要と判断した。

Amid the globalization of business activities, companies are increasingly younger employees dispatched abroad. In the background, there is a situation of domestic companies to place a focus on foreign markets than the domestic market continues to shrink. Abroad in order to gain experience from a young age as possible, and sent to all employees in their 20s, and some companies who are appointed prior to joining. Increasingly intense international competition has spurred many companies to develop human resources globally.
Mitsubishi has introduced a new system requiring all employees experience abroad for eight years before joining this year. About 50 people were sent abroad the previous year, was expanded to 150 to 170 of about the same as the number of new graduates each year. Recent years has become in emerging battleground of international business, "Unlike the West, young people who are familiar with these countries are few" (PR company), and the need for it to experience overseas working from the company The Beatles.
Marubeni since last year, introduced a system to all employees of overseas experience to the seventh year of employment.
Manufacturers are considerably larger number of people sent 10 times to Hitachi. In two years this year and next year, force 1-3 months in total 2,000 employees selected from the group until the mid-30s, foreign language schools and the local plant, such as business partners to send. Using a database record is sent abroad, to take advantage of future deployment of personnel. The company has overseas sales ratio for next year aims to more than 50%, while the increase is globally oriented.
Takeda has acquired a large scale about 1 trillion Swiss pharmaceutical giant Nycomed in September, plans rejuvenation in the late 20s to late 30s to mid-level subjects in dispatch next year. Dispatched to overseas companies, such as, expected to be longer than the traditional two-year period. According to the company's public relations, "including the public (the audience) to review the selection method," a plan.
Other companies have opportunities to study abroad before joining the nominee. Toyota has six months before joining the new employees up to 10 people next year to short-term study at the University of Pennsylvania, USA. Tuition, travel expenses are paid by the company. "To improve the international competitiveness of Japan" (PR company) also has determined that the importance of early experience from abroad.The youth are oriented inward, corporate and business world and it is contrary to the situation I becoming we must seek out demand. It will also actively 出Rubeki out period is obtained from so young.

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