
破壊的な教育改革(Education reform destructive)

東京都の石原慎太郎知事が「破壊的な教育改革」を掲げて設置した「教育再生・東京円卓会議」の第1回会議が16日、都庁で開かれた。会議は非公開で 行われたが、事務局によると、教育の抱える問題点や英語教育などについて意見交換されたという。会議の動画と議事録は都のホームページで近く公開される。

Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara, "Education Reform destructive" was established by  the "Tokyo Roundtable Education Play" The first meeting of the 16th, held at Metropolitan. The meeting was held behind closed doors, according to the Bureau, having been exchanged views on problems facing the education and English education. Video and transcript of the meeting will be published in the website of the City near.

Ishihara from the capital, attended by Vice Governor Naoki Inose. As experts, Mr. Vice President, Takayuki fire Kaiyo Academy in Tokai Chairman JR, Nakajima said president of the Liberal International Mine male, participated in the President Fumio Harashima, Tokyo Metropolitan University.

According to the Bureau, Mr. Kasai operation based on the experience of boarding school, "reading in primary education, it is important to teach other basic abacus," he said. Qualifications for teachers, "the teacher's enthusiasm and perseverance now, the missing energy" as it appealed to reform teacher licensing system.

Mr. Harashima is "engineering college tuition should be in English," such claims. Mr. Nakajima's dean of international education in English classes are doing is "20 years" lost touch "caused by Japan's education fell," he said.

Ishihara at the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly in June, the "intelligence, stamina, strength with a man, keep up with the world to foster human resources with confidence and pride, which is required for a conventional system-agnostic system," said conference had proposed the establishment. If you are coming from time to radically overhaul the education, I would need education reform destructive lies.

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