
若々しさの秘訣(The secret of youthfulness)

アインシュタイン博士は1955年に76歳で亡くなった後、その脳の大部分は、解剖が行われた米東部の医療施設で保存され、一部は他の研究者の手に渡って知性の源泉を探る研究などに使われてきた。博物館に寄贈した研究者によれば、脳は、旧知の病理学者から贈られたといい、米国の医学の歴史にとって 重要な標本と考え、寄贈を決意したという。研究者は「加齢に伴う色素の沈着などが見られず、年齢よりも脳は若々しく見える」と話している。知性の源泉や若々しさの根源を、解き明かして欲しいですね。そして、我々の生活に応用展開する術を示して欲しいですね。

Dr. Albert Einstein's brain has created a foundation of modern physics and relativity theory have been published in the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia USA.

The museum's permanent exhibition is rare that buzz. According to U.S. media and the museum, the exhibition is, in very thin sections of each specimen 46 was owned for the study were donated by neuropathologist who belong to a local hospital.

Dr. Einstein died at age 76 after 1955, most of the brain that are saved in health care facilities in the eastern U.S. autopsy was done, some of the sources of intelligence into the hands of other researchers has been used to explore and research. According to the researchers who donated to the museum, the brain, and I was a gift from classical pathologist, specimens considered important for the history of medicine in the United States, decided to donate it. The researchers "found no such age-related pigment deposition in the brain rather than age seems youthful," he said. The root of the source of intelligence and youthful, I want youi. And I want to show the way to deploy applications in our lives.

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