
ニュートリノ「超光速」を否定(Neutrino "superluminal" not)

 ところが、別の国際研究チームICARUS(イカルス)に参加するグループが、OPERAと同じスイス・ジュネーブ郊外の欧州合同原子核研究機関 (CERN)から発射されたビームを観測したところ、そうした形跡は見つからなかった。論文は「私たちが得た結果は、OPERAの結果の反証となる」としている。考えも及ばない微小な時間の測定なのでしょうから、どうにでも判断できる状況なのかもしれませんね。多くの研究施設で追随実験を行って確認する意外ないのかもしれませんね。

"Faster than light neutrinos observed," an international research team announced OPERA (Opera), another group of Italian Gran Sasso National Laboratory to participate in the "rapid fire" that specializes in a paper submitted to the site to deny.

According to the paper, Dr. Glashow is the U.S. particle physicists won the Nobel Prize, was announced after the results of the OPERA, superluminal neutrinos shows that theoretically lose energy by emitting light, such as other.

However, other international research team ICARUS (Icarus) group to participate in the Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, Switzerland the same joint on the outskirts of the European OPERA (CERN) was observed beam emitted from such evidence was found. The paper "The results we got, and disprove the results of the OPERA" has said. From a measurement of the time it's inconceivable minute, maybe I can judge it on what situation. It might be surprising to see no follow experiments in many laboratories.

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