
「総合型試験」の導入("Comprehensive Test" introduced)

推薦入試やAO入試の増加で大学生の学力低下が指摘される中、大学入試センターは新しい大学入学試験の導入に向けた研究を始めた。 読解力や推論力・分析力を問う「総合型試験」の導入の可否を、4年後までをめどに検討する。この総合型試験の成績とともに、作文や面接といった推薦・AO 入試の結果を合わせて大学側が合否を判定できるようにし、大学生の学力アップを目指す。
 文部科学省がまとめた09年度の国公私立大の入試状況によると、大学学部の入学者数は59万7000人。このうち推薦入試やAO入試で入学した学 生は約26万1000人で4割以上、私立大に限れば5割に達する。大半は筆記試験を実施せず、面接や作文で合否を決める。こうしたことから学力の不足が指摘され、大学によっては入学前に学力を補うための事前教育を実施しているところもある。

Decline in academic standards that have been identified in the college entrance examination and recommendation by an increase in admissions AO, National Center for University Entrance Examinations began to study for the introduction of the new college entrance exam. Question the power of comprehension and reasoning power analysis, "Comprehensive Test" the possibility of introduction, it plans to consider until after 4 years. Comprehensive test results with this acceptance to be able to determine the combined results of the university entrance exam and interview and recommendation AO essay, academic achievement of college students aims to up.

According to the large public and private status of FY09 admissions compiled by the Ministry of Education, undergraduate enrollment of 17,000 is 59. AO Admissions Admissions and Student enrolled in more than 40% of these recommendations in 1000 about 260,000, reached rather 5 As far as private universities. Most do not conduct written test and interview to determine the acceptance in writing. Been pointed out that lack of achievement from this, the university is also where you are training to compensate for prior academic achievement prior to admission.

Without such a troublesome thing, and believes that students go to college, I think I'd better be at the exam center of everyone anyway. Then squeeze the number of university and I feel like I can have more stringent entrance. I feel concerned about the situation has been gradually weakened the significance of the university.

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