
反中国経済連帯(Anti-China Economic Solidarity)

   しかし米国は「経済復興のためにはアジア中心の外交が必須であり、こうした外交の中心軸は経済」と強調した。特に日本政府が11日、 TPP交渉参加を電撃に決め、米国と手を組む姿を見せ、アジア太平洋地域の経済覇権をめぐる列強の争いはさらに激しくなっている。一歩遅れて交渉に参加し た日本を除いた米国など9カ国の首脳は12日(現地時間)、会議を開き、来年までにTPP協定を終えることにした。
 TPPに関する中国の反応は露骨だ。中国商務省の兪建華次官補は米ハワイ・ホノルルで11日に開かれたアジア太平洋経済協力会議 (APEC)の閣僚会議の直後、「中国はいかなる国からもTPPに招待されなかった」と不満を表した。また「もし私たちがこうした要請を受ければ真摯に研究する」と付け加えた。

Pacific Partnership Agreement with the goal of economic integration in Asia and Pacific Ocean region (TPP) tour, and that tensions between the U.S. and China. The Chinese government, led by China TPP while alienating U.S. "anti-China economic solidarity," which embody, and the accused.

But the U.S. 'economic recovery is essential for the Asia-centered foreign policy, the central axis of these economic diplomacy, "he said. 11 The Japanese government, especially abruptly decided to participate in negotiations TPP, show their hands with the U.S. battle for supremacy over the region's economic powers in Asia Pacific Ocean has become more intense. Leaders of nine countries including the United States excluding Japan belatedly joined the negotiations on November 12 (local time), held a meeting and decided to terminate the agreement by next year TPP.

China's crude reaction for TPP. Assistant Secretary of Commerce in China 兪建 flower Economic Cooperation Asia-Pacific Ocean was held on April 11 in Honolulu, Hawaii USA (APEC) Ministerial Meeting immediately following, "China was not invited to the TPP from any country," complained expressed. Moreover, "if you take seriously the study of such a request if we," he added.

   Deputy flowers 兪建 the "mechanism for the integration area economies, such as TPP trade by 2 (FTA) in a complementary relationship and mutual" and that "(such as TPP) these mechanisms are too in nature supplementation figure, it can not replace the FTA, "he said.

   The TPP is to rebound from China would also tangle of security as well as behavioral economics is a necessary value. It would be the nation we teamed up for sale on the island, including the Pacific Rim to proceed with negotiations on an equal footing in China.

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