
富士山をテーマとする俳句募集(Haiku on the theme of Mt Wanted)

山 梨県は22日、富士山の世界文化遺産登録を進める一環で、富士山をテーマとする俳句の募集を同日から国内外で始めたと発表した。日本語部門と英語、フラン ス語の国際部門の2部門を設けた。県が世界文化遺産登録に向けた啓発事業として、制定を目指す来年2月23日の「富士山の日」に大賞を発表する。
 県は記念日である「富士山の日」制定に向けた関連事業費として、970万円を見積もっている。世界文化遺産の早期実現をアピールするパンフ レットを作製したり、静岡県と連携したりするのが目的。「富士山俳句」は記念日制定の一助とするもので、「霊峰のファンを国内外に増やしたい」としている。

Yamanashi Prefecture, 22, as part of World Cultural Heritage Mt advance, starting at home and abroad has announced a call for haiku from yesterday with the theme of Mt. Japanese and English departments, two departments provided the international division of French. Enlightenment as a project for World Cultural Heritage Province, on 23 February 2005 aims to establish "Day of Mount Fuji" to announce the grand prize.

Be located and organized by the seven municipalities and the province around Mount Fuji, looking at their homepages. From abroad International Haiku Association (Shinjuku, Tokyo) to raise and work through the diplomatic missions. Deadline is January 20. In addition to Grand Prize, honorable mention, there is a prize.

Day County is the "Day of Mount Fuji," as business expenses for the establishment, estimates that 9.7 million yen. You can create a brochure to promote the early realization of world cultural heritage, and to cooperate with the purpose of Shizuoka Prefecture. "Haiku Fuji" is intended to help establish and anniversaries, "sacred to increase domestic and international fans," that you are.

For more information, please check http://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/release/koucho/2311/sekaiisan-sn22.html. ~ ~ V and submitted by people who would love you see Mount Fuji world.

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