

トヨタ自動車が来年1月に日本で個人向けに発売するプリウスのプラグインハイブリッド車(PHV)の燃費がガソリン1リットル当たり61キロになる ことが分かった。現行のプリウス(32.6キロ)の約2倍。26.4キロまで電気自動車(EV)として走れるため、ガソリンいらずの「街乗り車」として活 用できそうだ。
燃費が大幅に改善したのは、プリウスに使っているニッケル水素電池より高出力のリチウムイオン電池の搭載で、EVとしての最長走行距離が約13倍に伸び たため。運転者の半数以上は1日当たりの走行距離が25キロ以下とされており、PHVは日常的にはEVとして利用できることになる。

Prius plug-in hybrid vehicle for individuals to be released in Japan in January next year, Toyota Motor (PHV) was found to be 61 kilometers per 1 liter gasoline mileage. The current Prius (32.6 km) about twice. Up to 26.4 kg electric car (EV) for 走Reru as the gas-less "car city riding" can be utilized as likely.

The significant improvement in fuel economy in high-power lithium-ion batteries with batteries from the Prius uses nickel-metal hydride, for extending the longest distance is about 13 times as EV. More than half of the driver are less than the distance of 25 km per day 1, PHV has a daily basis will be available as an EV.

Estimates the electricity and gasoline ran 10,000 km during the year a total of about 43,000 yen. That about 40% cheaper than gasoline and the current Prius. It is 61km Ritter is staggering. I might be able to recover the initial investment and this is about fuel economy. It is a growing interest in the Prius is going to more and more.

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