
近大キャビア(Kinki caviar)

  同実験場では約240匹のチョウザメを飼育していたが、台風12号で9月3日夜に近くの川から水路や養殖池に土砂が流れ込み、実験場は水没。アユやアマゴ の9割が死んだ。飼育員らは諦めずに土砂のかき出しを続け、1週間後にきれいな水が戻った。チョウザメは半数が生き残った。

Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University Shingu test site affected by the torrential rain by Typhoon No. 12 (Shingu) from sturgeon balanced "modern caviar" on the website are sold from 9:00 am on September 17. When the same experiment was also submerged, but fear of total destruction, restoration of hard work to get to the sale.

According to the university's modern caviar is harvested from sturgeon eggs are grown in the same test site. In a popular additive-free non-colored, released annually since 2008 about 100 have been sold out for three consecutive years.

In the same test site was approximately 240 animals bred sturgeon, flows into the river sediment in waterways and ponds near the typhoon No. 12 on the night of March 9, when the experiment was under water. Amago died and 90% of trout. Continues to breed colleagues to give up export of sediment, clean water is returned after one week. Sturgeon survived half.

Egg collection from previous years but the number of adult animals, this year only 75 sold in only one animal control can not be guaranteed a mature egg. 10,000 yen one. If the test site Deputy Yamamoto said, "I thought this year might be impossible, is good audience's expectations," he said. It is better that your are applying for early limited edition of 75. It might have been sold already closed. It is a big success in the modern variety of fields.

"Amarin modern" can be purchased from the home page. http://www.a-marine.co.jp/

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