
異性に関心を示さない若者(Heterosexual young people show an interest in)

 国立社会保障・人口問題研究所が18~34歳の未婚者を対象に実施した調査によると、「交際している異性がいない」と答えた人は男性の61%余りを占め、 2005年の前回調査から9.2ポイント増加。女性は約50%だった。さらに、交際相手のいない男女のうち45%が、異性との交際を特に望んでいないと答えた。
 今年初めに発表された日本家族計画協会による調査では、16~19歳の若者のうち、セックスに「関心がない」「嫌悪感がある」と答えた男性は08年から19 ポイント増えて36%、女性も12ポイント増えて59%に達した。恋愛やセックスに興味を示さない「草食系」の若者が増加しているとの説を裏付ける結果と なった。
 日本は出生率が1.34と世界の中でも非常に低く、一方で5人に1人が65歳以上という高齢社会だ。日本経済団体連合会は出生率 を上げようと、3年前に会員企業1600社に対し、既婚の従業員を早めに帰宅させる配慮を求めた。しかし調査結果のデータをみる限り、状況は改善されていないようだ。
 2000年前、十字架に向かうイエス様はこんなことを述べています。「 エルサレムの娘よ。私のために泣くな。むしろ、あなた方自身のために、また自分の子供たちのために泣くがよい。不妊の女と子を産まなかった胎と、含ませなかった乳房とは、さいわいだ」という日が、いまに来る。

Increasingly serious problem in Japan, an aging, more and more young people show an interest in the opposite sex. A survey released last week showed that no other company has more than 60 percent of single men to women.
According to a survey conducted on those aged 18 to 34 unmarried National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, "that no isomerization dating," said they accounted for more than 61% of men in 2005 increased 9.2 points from the previous survey. About 50% were female. In addition, 45 percent of men and women are not dating partner, said the company did not want, especially with the opposite sex.
In addition, one in four unmarried men and women in the late 30s, it was found that there is no experience of sex.
86% of those unmarried men, 89 percent of women answered one would like to marry. The reasons are not married, raised more than 40% economic instability.
A survey by the Japan Family Planning Association announced earlier this year, among young people aged 16-19, to sex, "not interested" "disgust that" 36% of male respondents and 19 point increase from 2008 reached 59% and women up 12 points. Show no interest in sex and romance "herbivorous" was the result confirms the theory that an increase in young people.
Japan is very low among the world birth rate is 1.34, but the aging society of more than 65 years while one in five. Japan Business Federation to raise the birth rate for 1600 by member companies three years ago and called attention to married employees go home early. As far as the survey data, however, the situation does not seem to have improved.
Heterosexual interest in nature and I feel it's time  do not have to worry about coming from budding. There is no need to have sex anyway . Before you interested in the opposite sex, as men, as women need to become respectable. From the perspective such, it seems a good situation in Japan.
2000 years ago Jesus toward the cross, said to be like. "Daughter of Jerusalem. A cry for me. Rather, its better for you, good for her children crying again.  fetuses and children and infertile women, did not include and breast, but fortunately "that day, come now.
And when you are shown a true marriage, I might have been ready to marry unanimously.

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