
人気講座を世界配信(Popular courses worldwide delivery)

京都大は、米・スタンフォード大や東京大など世界各国の大学が参加する大学講義の無料配信サイト「iTunes U(アイチューンズ・ユー)」に、ノーベル物理学賞受賞者の益川敏英名誉教授や山中伸弥教授の講演など86講義の配信を17日から始めた。
京大は2005年から、インターネットで講義や教材を紹介するサイト「京都大学OCW」で、1000以上の講義と資料を公開。月約8万人が視聴 し、人気を集めてきた。その中で、1年生100人に人気の高い講義を中心に選び、「おすすめ(47講義)」、「英語講義(16講義)」、「最終講義(23 講義)」に分けて「iTunes U」で公開している。

Kyoto is the site of a lecture delivered free to join the University of Tokyo, the world's universities including Stanford and the "iTunes U (iTunes You)", and Shinya Yamanaka, Professor Emeritus Toshihide Maskawa and Nobel Laureate starting from 17 to 86 lectures delivered by Professor lectures.

Other students seeking to acquire and deliver lectures in English, and also aims to help you get life-long learning.

Kyoto University in 2005, the site introduces the lectures and materials on the Internet "OCW Kyoto", and more than 1000 public lectures and materials. Viewed by 80,000 people per month have been popular. Among them, choose to focus on lectures Trust 100 first graders, "Recommended (Lecture 47)", "English lessons (Lecture 16)", "last lecture (Lecture 23)" is divided into "iTunes U" have been published.

"Good" is 2008, then Professor Maskawa Nobel Prize in Physics, said the theory and education talks and sense of humor love to live with Kyoto University, Kyoto Prize 10 years Yamanaka, long-term goals but some, such as teaching students to speak to the importance of working towards that, at the medical school course materials, there are pictures of liver transplant surgery.

The "last lecture," the retired professor who, irrespective of discipline, with a look back at your life story. Yes, young people have also filled with useful content for many generations, of course. Experience will have a look ~ ~ V saw. I hope we tied to the interests of students studying abroad through this.

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