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イスラム教徒の数も相当なものですね。ユダヤ教とイスラム教の原点をたどると同じ所に行き着きますね。皆さんもご存知だと思いますがアプラハム(アブラム)ですね。アブラハムと、その妻サラは民族の父母になるべく神から祝福を受けています。しかし、祝福を受けた時、アブラハムは100歳、サラは90歳でした。アブラハムは、神の前に、どうして子どもを生むことが出来ましょうか? せめてイシマエルを神の前に生きるようにしてくださいと神に語りかけます。イシマエルとは、アブラムと下女ハガルから生まれた男子です。しかし、神はアブラハムに、サラが男の子を生むでしょうと答えます。そして、イサクが誕生します。アブラハムーイサクーヤコブの三代を通して、始めて信仰的に勝利の基準を立ててイスラエル民族が誕生します。それがユダヤ教の原点です。その基台の上にイエス様が来られて勝利していたら世界はもっと変わっていたのかもしれませんね。真っ赤に血に染まって十字架に消えて行ってしまいました。しかし、復活して霊的王国を建設し、第二イスラエル民族(キリスト教徒)を立てて、私はまた来るといって昇天されていかれました。イサクが誕生した事で、イシマエルはアブラハムから疎まれて結局追い出されていきます。そのイシマエルを神は大いなる国民とすると祝福しています。そこから出てきたのがイスラム教であるといわれます。結局、原点をたどると皆、同じ神に行き着きます。

Once in a lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca that Muslims are obliged to play with (Hajj) begins March 5, millions of people gathered from around the world.
According to the Saudi national communications, have joined this year, followers of the 183 countries. Accounted for approximately 54% of men. These believers over the mountains and the valley of Mina Arafat dressed in white cloth, a series of rituals performed over five days.
They sacrifice animals to God event believers "Festival of Sacrifice" is from 06.
Democratic movement spread to the Middle East and North Africa since last year, "Arab spring" only to later become the first pilgrimage, which is also pointed out potential local impact to keep the monarchy in Saudi Arabia.
U.S. President Obama suit-Adha and Hajj, Islam and Christianity, and Judaism "common origin" and "The Role of Religion as an engine for social side with the underdog," presented to emphasize the message.
It is a considerable number of Muslims. I arrive at the same place and trace the origins of Judaism and Islam. I think you also know that Apurahamu (Abram) It is. Abraham and Sarah his wife has been blessed by God to become the parents of the nation. However, when blessed, Abraham 100 years old, Sarah was 90 years old. Abraham, before God, I can bring a child into the world 出来Mashou why? Please God speaks to you like least Ishmael live before God. And Ishmael is born male maidservant Hagar and Abraham. But God to Abraham, Sarah's answer would have a baby boy. And Isaac is born. Over three generations of Abraham through Isaac Jacob over the nation of Israel was born up the criteria for first victory of faith. It is the origin of Judaism. If you win the world Jesus came on the base that I had changed perhaps more. I go off to cross the blood stained crimson. However, the construction of a spiritual kingdom and resurrection, the second Israelites (Christians) upright, is how I was going to come again ascended. With the birth of Isaac and Ishmael will eventually have been evicted from Abraham 疎Ma. Ishmael that God has blessed you with a great nation. It is said that Islam came out of it. After all, everyone to follow the origin, arrive at the same God.
As President Obama said, the three religions have the same origin, when I would have a ray of hope to the world. there confusion tied to one is now.

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