
国内最年少の心臓手術(The youngest national cardiac surgery)

 男児は、血液を心臓から全身に送り出す大動脈と、肺に流す肺動脈が本来の位置とは左右逆転している希少の心臓病で、体を循環した血液が肺を通らな いため、酸素が全身に供給されない。肺動脈弁にも異常が見つかった。小児心臓血管外科の山岸教授らは11月中旬、両方の動脈の根元を弁ごと心臓から切 り離し、左右を反転させた上で、正しい動脈に付け替える手術を実施。弁の異常も、血圧が比較的低い右心室につないだことで、問題にならなくなった。

For three-month-old boy with abnormal valves in the two arteries of the heart is reversed by nature, a successful surgery to replace each valve 京都府立医科大 to both the position of the arteries.

In the youngest national success, the boy will be discharged on the 17th.

Boys, and the aorta from the heart send blood throughout the body, and the pulmonary artery flow in situ in the lungs of a rare heart disease is reversed left to right, pass through the lungs because the body blood circulation, the body of oxygen not supplied. Also found abnormal pulmonary valve. Yamagishi and his colleagues in pediatric cardiovascular surgery in mid-November, each separated from the valve to the base of the arteries of the heart, both on the left and right inverted, performed surgery to replace the right artery. Abnormalities of the valve, connected to the right ventricle by the relatively low blood pressure, no longer a concern.

In my family, my daughter had a congenital heart condition at the end. By now the surgery is healthy living. Advances in pediatric care falls head. The development of increasingly expect in the future.

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