
価値観の大転換(Sea change in values)


Based on the ancient Mayan calendar, a world in December 2012 "annihilation" for the theory that welcome that raised the voices of experts deny this theory.

Annihilation theory in December 2012, but was popularized by researchers such as Dr. Maya civilization Hozeagueiasu, at a meeting held in the ancient city of Palenque in southern Mexico, from the experts, 2012 is simply one that separates out the opinion that only one end of the period.

Eric Velazquez of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, "no prophecy about 2012. I should let it be clear," he said. He also source Bengu Ronet Meier of La Trobe University Go have been deciphering the Mayan calendar, the day is as welcome a century, said it only shows the transition to the next era simply.

Term used in the Mayan calendar which started from 3114 years BC, has a 394-year period is about one cycle. In the same civilization, "13" figure of the sacred is significant, it will be calculated in December 2012 to end of 13 cycles. "Annihilation" is going to feel like I have in years and not to be a major milestone. Over the year, I will be forced to feel like a big shift in values ​​to humanity  many tribulations. Also, I feel like we could certainly go in the direction of extinction if a new level of consciousness 上Garanakere. I would not want  year of the dragon should.

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