
確率は98・9%(Probability was 98.9%)

質量の起源とされ、世界中の物理学者が40年以上追いかけてきた「ヒッグス粒子」が存在する可能性が高まった。欧州合同原子核研究所(CERN=セ ルン)は13日の発表で「発見というにはまだ十分ではない」と言葉を選びながらも、粒子が存在する可能性を示唆。同日夜、東京大で記者会見した日本の研究 グループは「興味深いデータが得られている」と、発見の瞬間に期待を寄せた。
 宇宙は137億年前に誕生したが、望遠鏡を使った天体観測で探ることができるのは、星の光が地球に到達できる、宇宙誕生後約37万年から現在まで に限られる。それ以前の宇宙は高温高圧のガスで満たされ、電子と陽子がばらばらになった「プラズマ状態」だったため、光が伝わらず観測できないのだ。
 CERNにあるLHC(大型ハドロン衝突型加速器)などの装置を使えば、地上では観測できない宇宙誕生直後の状態を再現できる。日本から約100 人が参加する実験グループ「アトラス」の浅井・東京大准教授が素粒子実験の道に進んだのも、こうした動機からだ。そして宇宙誕生 と現在をつなげる鍵であるヒッグス粒子を研究対象に選び、この10年は日欧を毎週往復する日常を送る。
 浅井准教授は会見で「私たちは500兆回の衝突を見た。データがヒッグス粒子によるものと判断できる確率は98・9%だが、(残りの1・1%に当 たる)100回に1回は間違えているということ。まだ喜べるレベルではない」と慎重な口ぶり。しかし「7月からほとんど不眠不休。寝なくていいほど楽し く、興味深いデータが得られている」と語った。
 ヒッグス粒子の探索は89年、LHCの前身「LEP」で始まった。その後、米国の加速器「テバトロン」でも試みられたが、いずれもヒッグス粒子を 作り出すにはエネルギー不足だった。世界最大の加速器LHCは08年、ヒッグス粒子発見を目的に完成。研究者の期待はLHCに集まっている。

Is the origin of mass, has been tracking more than 40 years physicists around the world, "Higgs boson" raised the possibility exists. European Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (CERN = CERN) is presented on July 13, "says the discovery is still not enough," but the language selection, and suggested the possibility that particles exist. That evening, a Japanese research group of Tokyo press conference on the "interesting data have been obtained" and contributed the expected moment of discovery.
To explore the Higgs boson, the mass of material while there is close to the question why, knowing how to lead when the mysterious birth of the universe.
The universe was born 13.7 billion years ago, the probe can be used in astronomical telescopes, the star's light can reach the Earth, is currently limited to about 37 million years after the birth of the universe. Prior to that space is filled with gas under high temperature, electrons and protons that fell apart "plasma state" because it was, but the right message to the light can not be observed.
LHC at CERN (Large Hadron Collider), which lets devices such as the ground state immediately after the birth of the universe can not reproduce the observations. About 100 people participated in the experimental group from Japan "Atlas" is also advanced in the way of Particle Physics Prof. Asai of Tokyo, but such motives. Chosen to study the Higgs boson is the key to connect the birth of the universe and now, this decade will send a weekly trip to Japan and Europe daily.
Associate Professor Asai news conference: "We saw 500 trillion collisions. Probability Higgs boson can be determined by the data but 98.9% (equivalent to 1.1% of the remaining) once 100 that it is wrong. 喜Beru level is not yet "and careful way someone talks. But "almost day and night in July. 寝Naku fun as I have, interesting data have been obtained," he said.
1989 Discovery of the Higgs particle, the predecessor of the LHC "LEP" began with. Later, the U.S. accelerator, "Tebatoron" is also an attempt to produce a Higgs particle was either lack of energy. The world's largest accelerator LHC in 2008, completed for the purpose of finding the Higgs particle. The researchers hope that the assembled LHC.
喜Beru level is still modest and are not "Higgs boson" sure sounds like there is. I certainly would not have taken and feel. It would've been like a dream to spend an exciting time for scientists who participated. I want to identify and observe promoting further research.

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