
入試でもネット割(Net allocation in admission)


In college admissions, college came out to start the service fee discounts if  the application on the Internet. Meanwhile, the discount window and submit the application form "Bring assignment" with universities to provide a wide range of students, trying to capture with.

Net percentage of admissions Chukyo introduced early this year in the nation in Nagoya. Applicants will be approximately 23,000 people increased from about 3,000 last year, accounting for 90% of the net of these applicants.

Net percentage of admissions for next year are accepted from January 06 next year. TV CM to allocate the net to PR this year, but also extended to the Hokuriku Tokai region.

Appeal is a significant discount. In filing online, discount if exam once but 5000 yen, "Using Test Center" The combination of the method examination of the three, such that yen 25,000 yen 70,000 up to "pack Exam 3" are provided . The combination of the pack, if taken at the five methods, for example, they calculated that 35,000 yen fee is 115,000 yen. The net percentage of times that this might of course, I want also conducted at many universities. ~ ~ V will be conducted at the national and public saw. Education and some countries (especially in higher education!) I want to increase.

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