
がん細胞の増殖速度を抑える酵素(Enzymes reduce the rate of growth of cancer cells)

がん細胞の増殖速度を半分に抑える酵素を、東京大先端科学技術研究センターの児玉教授と大沢特任助教(システム生物医学)らのチームが特定 した。この酵素は、ほとんどのがん細胞にあり、応用範囲の広い新薬になる可能性がある。米科学アカデミー紀要電子版に発表した。
 その上で、子宮頸(けい)がんや皮膚がんなどさまざまながん細胞にこの酵素を注入し、マウスの皮下に移植した。すると、この酵素が血管の伸びを鈍 らせたため、酵素を加えた細胞は、酵素なしのがん細胞に比べ、増殖の速さが半分から5分の1に抑えられた。ガンとうまく付き合っていくためにも必要な酵素になるかもしれませんね。ぜひ、新薬の開発に早く結びついていけるといいですね。

The enzyme reduced to half the rate of growth of cancer cells, and Osawa, Assistant Professor, Professor Kodama of Tokyo Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (Biomedical Systems) identified by these teams. This enzyme is located in most cancer cells, drugs could be widely applicable. Electronic version published in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.

Cancer cells compared to normal cells, prone to hypoxia and malnutrition have been made ​​to ensure the nutrition of new blood vessels. The team worsen the nutritional status of human and mouse cancer cells was examined in cellular components. As a result, "histone demethylase 'butt that stopped an enzyme called cause.
On that basis, cervical (K) injecting the enzyme into cancer cells and a variety of cancers including skin cancer, were implanted subcutaneously in mice. Then slow the growth of blood vessels for which this enzyme, the enzyme is added to cells, cancer cells than in the absence of enzyme was reduced from half to one-fifth the speed of growth. It might be necessary enzymes to keep friends for cancer. Means, and I hope soon to go tied the development of new drugs.

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