
奨励会員がタイトル獲得(Encourage members won the title)

将棋の第1期リコー杯女流王座戦決勝5番勝負の第5局は12日、東京都渋谷区の将棋会館で指され、先手の加藤桃子奨励会1級(16)が清水市代女流六段 を129手で破り、対戦成績3勝2敗で初代女流王座に就いた。女流棋士資格を持たない奨励会員のタイトル獲得は初めて。日本将棋連盟のプロ資格には「棋士(四段以上)」と「女流棋士」があり、制度が異なる。男女を問わない「棋士」を養成する奨励会の女性会員は、女流棋戦に出場できなかったが、女流王座戦で認められた。まだまだ才能ある若い方々がたくさんいそうですね。

Fifth game of the final five stations Championship Ricoh Cup first phase of female chess 12th, pointed at Shibuya, Tokyo Institute of chess, first class meeting Momoko Kato initiative encouraging (16) Shimizu female beat by hand 129 stage, took the throne the first female three wins and two losses scoreline. Encourage members won the title without a credential is the first female professional go player. The professional qualifications of the Japanese Shogi "knights (four or more stages)" and "knights female", and different institutions. Regardless of gender "knights" of the Board members encourage women to train, but not play in female baseline was observed in female Championship. It is likely still a lot of talented young people.

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