
幸福駅(Happy Station)

 87年に廃線になって使われなくなった幸福駅の待合室には、観光客が書いた願い事や名刺、幸せそうな写真などがびっしり貼り付けられている。7回来たと いう釧路市の山田さんは「ここに来ると、いやなことがあってもリセットされる。ちょっと幸福になれるパワーをもらった気もしま す」。
 「幸福開拓80年史」などによると、1902(明治35)年ごろから、大水害に襲われて田畑や家屋を失った福井県などの農家が駅周辺に移住。もともと付 近一帯の地名は「幸震」だったが、1910年代ごろから「幸震」の「幸」と福井の「福」を取った「幸福」に変わったとされる。幸福のパワーを貰いに行きたいですね。

Big boom in the 1970s was "happy station" (Obihiro, Hokkaido) has attracted attention again. In popular with foreign tourists call it a happy character, and also opened a new section of highway is also expected to increase from domestic tourists. "# 1 Happiness" is also a land of people who moved from winning Fukui. Signs of relapse it is likely to be happy for the local boom.

"As to my boyfriend can" "As the successful surgery,"

Happiness is no longer used in the waiting room of the station is dead track in 1987, business cards and prayer written by tourists, and are closely bonded with a happy picture. Mr. Yamada that came seventh in Kushiro, "come here, even if it is reset nasty. The trees got a little power will be happy."

"80 years of development history of happiness," According to the 1902 (Meiji 35) from around the year, he moved to Fukui Station, such as farmers lost their homes and fields are attacked by a large flood. The area near the original place name is "New and High" was, from the 1910s around the "true" high "Section" of Fukui and "secondary" taking "happiness" that is changed. We would like to rent the power of happiness.

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