
マヤの予言(Mayan prophecy)

メキシコ南東部などで栄えた古代マヤ文明を巡り、「マヤの予言」とも呼ばれる終末論が話題になっている。マヤの暦の一つが2012年12月 21~23日に区切りを迎えるとしていることから、これを「人類滅亡の日」と解釈する説があり、残り1年を切ったからだ。メキシコの国立人類学歴史学研究 所は「世界が終わると解釈するのは間違い」との見解を発表し、終末論の拡大防止に躍起だ。

Tour the ancient Mayan civilization flourished in southeastern Mexico, for example, "Mayan prophecy" has become a hot topic, also known as eschatology. Since you are welcome break and on 21 December 2012 - 23 is one of the Mayan calendar, this "Day of annihilation" There is interpretation theory, saying, cut the remaining year. Mexico's National Anthropology Institute of History, "The end of the world is wrong to interpret" announced the view that, desperately wants to prevent the spread of eschatology.

Height of 2.5 meters was established in the southern state of Chiapas, Mexico Tapachula watch "end" is 21 days, starting the countdown for one year. The Yucatan is "the end of the world" to believe foreigners "to protect themselves from radioactive contamination and bacteria," as it can also have a secluded village.

In Mexico, the Mayan-related events are planned for more than 500 in 2012, "eschatology" voices hope that the world's attention. Tourists visiting the Mayan ruins are also expected to reach 52 million more than twice yearly. But nothing happened many examples that you look over, and I do not what. Earth will be destroyed and also visited several times in the Bible end I is not. And then trying it, I might be a 2012 year made ​​major changes in human values ​​and consciousness. A natural disaster struck across more than this year be the year I might shake the sense of human values​​. Through that repent, I will move a year is likely to stage a new humanity.

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