
クロスカップリング反応の新たな方法を開発(Developing new ways of cross-coupling reaction)

 鈴木章・北海道大学名誉教授が2010年にノーベル化学賞を受賞する理由となったパラジウムを用いた方法よりも、痛風治療薬などの医薬品や新素材 を安く簡単に作れると研究グループはしており、鈴木名誉教授も「興味深い」と関心を寄せている。成果は米化学会誌電子版に9日掲載される。
 鈴木名誉教授が開発した合成法「スズキ・カップリング」は、毒性が少なく応用範囲が広いのが大きな特長で、医薬品やテレビ液晶の開発に道を開い た。ただ、触媒に用いるレアメタルの一種パラジウムが高価で入手が難しいうえ、ホウ素などの物質を使って有機物同士を結びつけやすくする下準備に手間がかかった。

Nagoya University professor pain (physical substance) from the research group is 08, announced it has developed a new method for the synthesis of cross-coupling reaction between different organic compounds.
Than the method using a palladium Why was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2010, Akira Suzuki, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University, and research groups to easily create new materials and medicines, such as cheaply antipodagric has been , Suzuki, professor emeritus "interesting" and that interest. Results will be published in electronic journals or 09 U.S..
Synthesis method developed by Professor Emeritus Suzuki, "Suzuki coupling" is a major feature of a wide range of applications is less toxic, paved the way for the development of pharmaceuticals and LCD TVs. However, for expensive and difficult to obtain a kind of rare metal palladium catalyst used, time-consuming to combine the ease of preparation together with organic substances such as boron.
Professor Itami, and nickel catalysts are relatively easy to use inexpensive compared to about 20 / 1 palladium, each developing a method to link together at once rather than preparation of organic compounds. With the prospect to simplify the cross-coupling. Ratio of 80 can be synthesized by this method to 98%.
Professor Itami, "other manufacturing processes can be reduced antipodagric, or can be expected to reduce the manufacturing cost of the phone's LCD and the development of new Alzheimer's therapies," he said.For this development, Emeritus Professor Suzuki, "Evaluation of the appropriate papers to be examined in practice is difficult, without using the compound of boron, organic matter can be combined with each other very interesting once the nickel catalyst," evaluation and and, "It is very fun future" looked forward to working with Japanese researchers. Please Ikubeku proceeding with further research to practical use in areas so good at Japanese.

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