
樹脂を使ってレアメタルを回収する技術(Technology to recover rare metals using the resin)

徳島大学の薮谷准教授らの研究グループは、レアメタル(希少金属)を含む水溶液から樹脂を使ってレアメタルを回収する技術について、レアメタルを吸着した樹脂から、強酸を使わずに特定のレアメタルだけを溶け出させることに成功した。「ペルオキシ化合物」を使えば、バナジウム、モリブデン、タングステンだけを溶出することができる。レアメタルの低コストな回収法につながる可能性があるという。  薮谷准教授らがオゾンや過酸化水素、過炭酸ナトリウムといったペルオキシ化合物を使って処理したところ、20種類以上の金属を含む溶液から、国家備蓄対象鉱種であるバナジウム、モリブデン、タングステンだけが溶け出した。

Research group of Prof. Associate valley bush University of Tokushima, for technology to recover rare metals by using a resin from an aqueous solution containing (rare metals), from the resin adsorbed rare metals, melting only rare specific without a strong rare metal was able to get someone out. "With peroxy compound", can be eluted vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten only. That could lead to low-cost recovery method of rare metals. Where they associate professor valley bush was processed using a peroxy compounds hydrogen peroxide and ozone, such as sodium percarbonate, from a solution containing the metal of more than 20 kinds, vanadium, which is a kind mineral target National Stockpile, molybdenum, only tungsten was dissolved was.

Recovery rate using the chelating resin is 93%, respectively, 94%, 66%. Can be processed in about 10 minutes at room temperature. Peroxy compound is used repeatedly because it does not destroy the molecular structure of the chelating resin.

I hope that point can be recovered without the use of rare metals in strong acids. Means, I want to hope that the technology is inexpensive and stable through further research to be established.

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