
受験英語は現場では役立たない?(English exam does not help in the field?)

その中で、高校受験や大学受験の勉強で身に付けた英語がビジネスの実戦の場で役に立っていると思うかどうかも聞いている。「思う」は16.5%、「思わない」が 56.8%、「ビジネスの実戦で英語を使うことはない」が26.7%となり、8割以上は受験勉強で身に付けた英語がビジネスの場では役に立っていない、も しくは使っていないという結果となった。
また、取得している資格や検定試験のスコアについて聞いたところ、全体では「英検(実用英語技能検定)」(35.6%)が最も多く、次いで「簿記検定」 (21.4%)、「TOEIC」(13.8%)、「秘書検定」(8.7%)となった。英語関連の資格や検定を性年代別にみると、「英検」は年代が低くなる につれて高くなり、20代男性で45.8%、20代女性で55.1%となった。「TOEIC」は20代男性で25.9%と高く、4人に1人が受験していた。

GABA of English is March 9, has announced the results of the "Survey on skills and qualifications Business Person" was conducted on 1,000 men and women aged 20 to 49 business people across the country.

Asking whether I think also, and in which business is useful in place of the battle of English learned in high school exam and college exam study. "I think" 16.5%, 56.8% said "do not think", "to use English in a battle of business is not" is next to 26.7 percent, more than 80% of English learned in studying for exam is in business is helpful result was not, or that you are not using.

And, in the question of whether I think if the official house of your place of employment of the current was English, and think about changing jobs is, 47.2% for "think", replied "I do not think" is 51.7%, Business Person of nearly half I think the answer is and think about changing jobs.

In addition, When asked about test scores and testing qualifications have acquired, "(skill test practical English) Eiken" the most frequent (35.6%) as a whole, "test bookkeeping followed by" (21.4%), "TOEIC" test "secretary" (13.8%), was (8.7%). A breakdown of age-related qualifications and English tests, "Eiken" will be higher with decreasing age, 45.8% in men in their 20s, was 55.1% in women in their 20s. "TOEIC" is as high as 25.9% in men in their 20s, one had to choose to take four people.

Examination is English, or I would not just take that, in the place of business is useless. English, it does not make sense is if you do not use it as a tool because it is a tool rather than academic. It is something I funny.

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