
太陽や地球と一直線上に並ぶ(Aligned on the line with the sun and the earth)

 「Tohoku」は直径数キロ。火星と木星の間にあり、約3年8か月で太陽の周りを1周する。17・7等級と暗く、肉眼では見えないが、11日に は獅子座の中、火星のすぐそばに位置するという。佐藤さんは「日本では、死者の魂が星になるという言い伝えもある。11日は空を見上げ、犠牲者への思いを はせてもらえれば」と話している。偶然にしては凄いことですね。何らかの意味があるのかもしれませんね。11日、空を見上げながら犠牲者に思いを馳せながら日本の復興と世界の平和への思いを新たにしたいですね。

East to the asteroid after the earthquake Mr. Sato, Sayama, Saitama Prefecture amateur astronomer, found itself in 1997, was named "(Northeast) Tohoku".

The asteroid is a 11-year earthquake, that line up on the line with the sun and the earth by chance.

According to Mr. Sato was a press conference to 5 days at prefecture of Iwate, apply to the Minor Planet Center (Paris headquarters) International Astronomical Union, "I want called Tohoku, as the world does not forget this catastrophe", on May 11 last year. It is said would normally take more than six months, was certified in more than one month.

"Tohoku" is a few kilometers in diameter. Located between Mars and Jupiter, and one lap around the sun in about 3 years and 8 months. And dark, grade 17.7, with the naked eye can not see, on August 11 in the constellation of Leo, that is located in close proximity of Mars. Mr. Sato has said, "In Japan, the Sun. 11 ​​is also a legend that the spirits of the dead become stars looking at the sky, you are thinking of Moraere to the victims and". Then it is a great chance. Maybe I have some sense. 11 days, I want you to new thoughts to the reconstruction of Japan and world peace while thinking of the victims looking up at the sky.

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