
スーパーチューズデー(Super Tuesday)

  「スーパーチューズデー」では、10の州で一斉に共和党の大統領候補を選ぶ予備選挙や党員集会が行われます。最大の焦点はオハイオ州で、現在トップを走る穏健派のロムニー候補と、それを追う保守強硬派のサントラム候補の支持率が拮抗しています。 オハイオは様々な政治的立場の有権者が住み、「全米の縮図」とも言われる大票田で、大統領選本番でも勝敗の鍵を握る州です。このオハイオを制した候補が、 「オバマ大統領の対抗馬」としてのイメージを印象付けることになります。また、保守色が強いジョージアなど南部の3州で、ロムニー候補が勝利できるかも注目されます。

Republican candidate for U.S. presidential election race is welcomed and the climax of the largest "Super Tuesday" voting has been made.

  In "Super Tuesday" primaries and caucuses to choose the Republican presidential candidate simultaneously in 10 states will occur. The biggest focus in the state of Ohio, the approval rate for the candidate of moderates Santoramu Romney and now run the top, the hard-line conservative chase it has been antagonistic. Ohio is a large Hyoden voters of various political positions to live, also known as the "microcosm of the nation", is a swing state in presidential election production. This candidate won the Ohio, it will impress an image as a "rival of President Obama." In addition, in the three southern states such as Georgia maintain strong colors, will be able to win the attention Romney.

  Increase in the power of the Communist forces came here, a strong America has been desired. Just what will the Republican candidates who also is noteworthy in that sense. Selection of the American people would be to derive the results of any strong candidate I'd like a hawk.

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