
資本主義経済の崩壊に向かって突き進む(Rush straight towards the collapse of the capitalist economy)

ここに来て株価の上昇基調が本格化してきた。今日も150円ほどあげて1万円を超えた。経済アナリストの朝倉 慶氏の予測が見事にあったような推移になってきている。このまま推移していくと、次に待ち受けているのがハイパーインフレ、そして資本主義経済の崩壊と進んでいく。実体経済と全く合わない今の経済状態、金が金を呼ぶ、変な世界ですね。何かおかしくなってきていますね。価値観が大きく変わらなければならない時なんでしょうね。

Upward trend of stock prices have been coming into full swing here. Raise more than 10,000 yen about 150 yen today. Has become such a transition was impressive predictions of economic analyst Kay said Asakura. Go on with the collapse of the capitalist economy and hyperinflation, and still continue to this transition, and then it is listening. Economic conditions do not match exactly the real economy now, gold is referred to the money, it is a strange world. It has become something strange. I will not when values ​​must change significantly.

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