
ゲノムの違いは1・75%(1.75% difference in genome)

 8日付の英科学誌ネイチャーに発表する。 研究チームによると、類人猿で最も人間に近いチンパンジーと人間とのゲノムの違いは1・37%。ゴリラは現在判明している限りでは、チンパンジーの次に人間に近い。ゲノムを詳細に調べると、チンパンジーと人間の違いよりも、ゴリラと人間の違いの方が小さい領域が約15%あった。 
 人と ゴリラやチンパンジーとの違いは遺伝子情報的には僅かなんですが、実際の違いは桁違いといった感じですね。どこから、この違いは生じるんでしょうかね?人には霊的部分がありますが、 ゴリラやチンパンジーにはないとも聞きます。遺伝子では、計り知れない部分が多く存在しようですね。進化という概念も見直さなければならない時期にきているのかもしれませんね。

International team such as the UK has been deciphered, all the genetic information of a gorilla (genomic). The difference between humans and gorilla genome of 1.75%, seems to have branches from a common ancestor 10 million years ago.

British science journal Nature to announce the date eight. According to the research team, the difference between human and chimpanzee genomes of most human beings close to 1.37% in the apes. The gorilla has been found as far as current is close to the next man to chimpanzee. If you examine in detail the genome, rather than the difference between chimpanzee and human, who was about 15% of the difference between human and gorilla area is small.

From these fossils, and the difference of the genome, it is common ancestor branched gorillas and chimpanzees, humans, ten million years ago, it branched chimpanzees and humans was estimated to be 6 million years ago.

Gorillas and chimpanzees and the difference between human genetic information is of no slight is the difference between actually feel like it is several orders of magnitude. This difference is I will not arise or, Where are you from? There are people in spiritual part, ask the chimpanzee and the gorilla is not even. In the gene, there are many parts it is trying to immeasurable. I might have time has come for a concept should be reconsidered evolution.

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