
君が代は国歌として認められない(Is not recognized as the national anthem national anthem)

 市教委は昨年の卒業式で不起立者がいなかったため、条例施行後も職務命令を出していなかったが、不起立者が出たことを受け、一律の命令に踏み切る。 橋下市長はこの日、報道陣に、「議会で決まったルールを守れない公務員は辞めてしまえばいい。本当に腹立たしい」と話した。

Osaka City Board of Education on September 14, was announced at the graduation ceremony was held on 13 municipal junior high schools 129, and did not make the two people standing teacher of two schools.
Toru Hashimoto national anthem standing ordinance proposed by the mayor has been in effect at the end of February, the city board of education to consider the disposal ordinance violation as a hit.
In addition, the city Board of Education 14 days, and this year's graduation ceremony will be held in the Garden City Schools, for teachers to participate in the entrance ceremony of the new fiscal year, was first reported to the school Principal and issue a standing instruction duties seek unison.
According to the city board of education, did not you standing up of teachers and male (Ward Higashisumiyoshi), female teachers (Suminoe-ku) during the first of Sumiyoshi Tanabe. The reason that the story "was sitting in the opposition to the ordinance was decided to rough and ready" male teacher, female teacher "is not recognized as the national anthem national anthem and".
The city board of education because there were not a non-standing at the graduation ceremony of last year, had not issued an order enforcement duties even after the ordinance, that the person standing by the non-came out, decide to order a uniform. Hashimoto mayor that day, talking to reporters, "public officials can not keep the rules in Congress decided it might as well be resigned. Really annoying and".
The origin of the "national anthem" is listed as "ignorant people" ignorant die "at the beginning volume 7, moth song" anthology of waka poems past and present "Songs ten thousand years ago, came out five years from now Engi" read It is the beginning. Was given a song to this, around October 1869, in order to escort the legation Britain in Yokohama at the time, and because that Get Started military band master of infantry England had come to Japan, John William Fenton It seems that is said.
I feel like is the national anthem has been through a historical transition and exude while I think of old people. Of female teachers "are not recognized as a national anthem national anthem" remark, it could not hear the remark to deny the tradition of Japanese and Japan will only do me?

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