
六ヶ国協議再開の展望が開ける?!(Brighten one's prospects of resuming talks six countries? !)

米国務省の声明によると、北朝鮮は、寧辺でウラン濃縮活動を含む核活動の停止で合意し、寧辺の5000キロ・ワット原子炉(黒鉛減速炉)の無能力 化も確認した。声明は「米国は幅広い分野における北朝鮮の行動に依然深刻な懸念を有する」として、合意を再三ほごにしてきた北朝鮮側の行動に疑念を示す一 方、「限定的ではあるものの重要な進展」としている。ロイター通信によると、クリントン国務長官も「正しい方向への控えめな第一歩だ」と語った。少しでも良い方向に動き出して北が六ヶ国協議のテーブルに着けるといいでしょうね。しかし、何とも分からない国ですから注意は必要ですね。

U.S. and North Korea on June 29, the results of the consultations on North Korea's nuclear development program between the two countries went to the Sun February 23 and 24 in Beijing, North Korea's uranium enrichment activities and stop Yongbyon, the International Atomic Energy Agency (has announced the return of personnel acceptance of IAEA), long-range missile launch, and it was agreed, such as moratorium on nuclear testing.

Had demanded as a precondition for resuming the six-party talks to uranium enrichment, and there is a risk the U.S. side will be diverted to nuclear weapons, over the nuclear issue. At this point, supposed to be open the same prospects of resuming talks.

U.S. State Department said in a statement, North Korea agreed to stop nuclear activities including uranium enrichment activities at Yongbyon, was also confirmed disablement of the Yongbyon nuclear reactor of 5,000 km-watt (graphite-moderated nuclear reactor). Statement, "The U.S. still has serious concerns about the actions of North Korea in a wide range of areas" on the other hand show the behavior of North Korea as doubts have been again and again to protect the agreement, although some significant progress is "limited that you are. "According to Reuters, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said "It is a modest first step in the right direction." Hopefully, get to the table of negotiations and six countries are moving in the direction of the north a little bit better. However, attention is required because I do not know is indescribably country.

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