
アンギアーリの戦い(Battle of Angiari)

長年謎とされてきたレオナルド・ダビンチの幻の巨大壁画「アンギアーリの戦い」(1504年ごろ制作開始)がフィレンツェのベッキオ宮殿にある壁に 描かれたフレスコ画(バザーリ作)の裏側の壁に隠されている可能性が高まった。イタリア研究家チームの調査 で、裏側の壁から検出した黒色の絵の具が、ダビンチの「モナリザ」や「ヨハネ像」で使われたものと同一の鉛とマンガンを使ったものであることが明らかに なったためという。

Hidden in the wall of the back fresco was painted on the wall in the Palazzo Vecchio of Florence "Battle of the Angiari" mural giant vision of Leonardo da Vinci has been a mystery for many years (starting production around the year 1504) of (written by Vasari) could have been has increased. Clearly that the survey team of research Italy, is black paint was detected from the wall of the backside, with manganese lead and the same as that used in the "image of John" and "Mona Lisa" of Da Vinci was called for.

Mr. Maurizio Serachini of the research team for 30 years has been to explore the whereabouts of the work based on the memoirs of da Vinci, "Our research is still in its early stages," but says, and whereabouts of the work is not wrong showed confidence in particular. Discovered mural is going to become reality by technological advances. I want to touch in the hope that it will be our eyes are fully restored condition at the time.

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