Kyushu University 14, has announced to build a research group Institute of Science, is referred to as "special zones for elementary particle and nuclear research." Aiming for global research base of elementary particles is the smallest unit established in April, that make up the substance. "International Linear Collider" large linear accelerator examine the mysteries of the universe that you want to birth a central presence in the system to attract Sefurisan Fukuoka, Saga of the border (ILC). Experimental system to strengthen collaboration in the research system and the theory of elementary particles and nuclei, increase to three researchers in this field. Glare to participate in large-scale international collaborative research, are considering the appointment of young researchers concentration and excellent human resources further, over center of the future also.
ILC, the experimental apparatus to observe the particle to reproduce the state immediately after the Big Bang cosmic explosion at the time of birth, occur. Sefurisan system are strong candidates for domestic and land, industry, academia and government Fukuoka and Saga Prefectures will put the power to attract. Emphasizes that "will appeal to attract the local research base that can be" director of Science Ara-builders.
Kyushu University in February, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research "European Large Hadron Collider" the world's largest particle physics laboratory in Switzerland, France joined the official on the border with the International Research Collaboration (LHC), which operates the LHC (was allowed to reside in the two researchers to CERN). Nobel Prize-class research is expected, "he said also increases the contribution of Kyushu in the establishment of Research Zone" (Particle Physics) is Professor Kawagoe in the LHC. Alone make the equipment will be needed considerable number of years. In addition, I want to hope that the plan will lead to the early run has become the world will eagerly in the detection of elementary particles such as Higgs boson is unknown.
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