
ミリタリー・バランス2012年版(Military Balance, 2012 edition)


(IISS) is 7 days, were analyzed published a military force of 171 countries and regions worldwide version "Military Balance 2012" British International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Warned that question, from anxiety to North Korea to the future role of the rise of China and the United States, in the Asian region, and that is causing the arms race without understanding the strategy of each other countries.

China has pointed out, military spending has reached 2.5 times in the past 10 years, and exceeded the pace of economic growth. Although attention is to gather "Waryagu" aircraft carrier and the first next-generation fighter J20 highly stealth, the development progresses, the true concern of the satellite destruction weapons and cruise missiles, such as the ability and cyber attacks.

In addition, we analyzed "The goal of China becoming an equal rival of the United States in 2050 is achievable" and. China's rise, I will be really in the context of threats against the security role of the United States has been declining rapidly. I'd like to expect a strong American president, it is also worried about the whereabouts of the U.S. presidential election.

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