
鳳龍弐号(dragon Feng 2)

九州工業大学は13日、開発中の小型人工衛星「鳳龍弐号」を関係者らに公開した。宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)のH2Aロケットに搭載し、2012年度中の打ち上げを予定。成功すれば宇宙空間では世界初となる300ボルトの高電圧発電実験などを実施する。九州の大学が開発した人工衛星の打ち上げは、10年5月の鹿児島大学以来2例目となる。 小型衛星は一辺が約30センチメートル程度の立方体で、重量は約7キログラム。太陽電池パネルを使い、300ボルトの高電圧で発電する。高電圧で発電すると放電が起きやすく、宇宙空間ではパネルの破損につながるため、放電の抑制装置を付けて安定的に発電できるようにした。人工衛星やロケットの残骸など「宇宙ゴミ」の観測や、小型カメラによる地球の撮影も行う。

Kyushu Institute of Technology 13 days, officials made ​​public to the "dragon Feng 弐号" small satellite under development. Mounted on the H2A rocket (JAXA), scheduled for launch in fiscal 2012 Aerospace Exploration Agency. In space to conduct experiments, such as high voltage power generation of the world's first bolt 300 if successful. Launch of a satellite was developed by the University of Kyushu, Kagoshima University and the second case since May of 10 years. Small satellite is a cube of approximately 30 centimeters on a side and weighs about 7 kg. Use solar panels to generate power at high voltage of 300 volts. Is prone to generate electricity at high voltage and discharge, in outer space can lead to damage of the panel, it is able to power a stable discharge with a suppression device. Make observations and of the "space junk" such as satellite and rocket debris, also taken of the Earth by a small camera.

Professor Zhao Meng Yu has been the university Faculty of Engineering, who led the development is "The successful generation of 300 volts, also open the way for the establishment of large-scale facilities such as hotels and factories in outer space" and. Numeric value of 300 volts is groundbreaking because it is said to have put away in the event of electronic equipment to generate electricity and discharge more than 200 volts. I want to expect to be successful.

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