
「もう一つの甲子園」が開幕(Opening of "Koshien" Another)

 日程は2日間。理科や数学の問題を解く「筆記競技」▽実験技術や考察力を競う「実験競技」▽簡単な材料から電動ミニカーを作るなど課題への創意工夫や技術力、プレゼン力を競う「総合競技」の3種目(計1080点満点)だ。優勝校は全米規模の科学コンテストへの出場権を得る。 唯一の女子チーム、前橋女子(群馬代表)は選手を公募し、8人が志願。県予選ではほぼ男子生徒ばかりの4校を破った。地学部員の松本さん(1年)は国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)を地上から撮影し、飛行高度を計算したりしている。「解き方をひらめいた時がうれしい」と数学も好き。全国大会出場を「部活でも経験がないから緊張してます」とはにかむ。

24, is opening "Koshien" Another boils down to selection in Hyogo Prefecture. High school students love science "Koshien national convention of science." Compete (sponsored by Science and Technology Agency) the ability. 49 365 people who earn invitations through qualifying school player of the prefecture to participate. There is also a challenge from the disaster area and double play with the baseball, hot or drama can be seen.
"Koshien" Science in the fight (6 to 8 people) team. And the playing field was achieved in the flag of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and pretend to students of science, such as part of a modest impression. Prefectural Gymnasium in Nishinomiya of the venue, but the proximity of the three kilometers from Hanshin Koshien Stadium.
Schedule two days. "Competition" Comprehensive compete with the ingenuity and skills to the challenges, the power to create a presentation, such as electric minicar from material "competition experiment" compete with a simple ▽ "writing competition" to solve the experimental techniques and considerations force ▽ science and math problems 3 of that event (out of 1,080 total). The winning school to earn a place in the nationwide science contest. (Representative Gunma) is offering the players, the only women's team eight applicants, Maebashi women. Prefecture in qualifying broke the school just four boys almost. (1 year) is taken from the earth (ISS), has been to calculate the flight altitude and the International Space Station Matsumoto of geoscience staff. I also like math "and was glad when flashed how to solve". Shy and "You're nervous because there is no experience in the club," the national tournament.
Miyazaki was only granted west of selection and the "double play" (Miyazaki), a team of just six men. Meet with friends comes from the era of science and mathematics in everyone, it boasts a team strength. Two years of a representative, I treasure house is the first time he wrote about the baseball team as chairman of the newspaper. "The baseball team boasts a defense but stable, we aim to the top to minimize the mistakes here."
From earthquake affected areas of the East has played four schools (Iwate), etc. Sendaidaiichi (Miyagi) Morioka first. "I want to tell that the best high school students aims to reconstruction" (2 years) is a representative team of Fukushima (Fukushima), Tanaka learn in school prefab school building is affected, draft is blowing.
Director Tsutsumi was produced films probe "Hayabusa" brought back to Earth the particles of Itokawa is a falcon "is a problem in the population. Only made from system put an idea out freely, ideas to overcome the crisis was born are keen that the work is important, high school students have an idea how Dashiai, and "There is also interested in how to make fast minicar. I hope that the next generation of researchers, and produced many are going to pass through here. I win the glory it is to mobilize knowledge is what will the high school where attention.

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