
結婚観(View of marriage)

「結婚する意味がわからない」「結婚と同棲の違いがわからない」「生涯、独身でも構わない」。こんな“結婚観”を語る若者が、このところ増えてきているようだ。2010年に発表された50歳時での「生涯未婚率」は男性19.4%、女性9.8%(国勢調査)。初婚年齢も年々上がっている。未婚化・晩婚化の 進む日本で、「結婚して初めて一人前」という価値観は古いものとなりつつある。そうしたなか、結婚紹介サイト 「youbride」が会員男女を対象に行ったアンケートでは、興味深い“結婚観”が明らかとなった。
  ポジティブな意見は、「婚姻に対する法的関係の複線化は、選択肢が増えていいのではないでしょうか」(44歳男性)、「日本の結婚は重苦しいイメージがあ るので、そういうのも良いと思う」(27歳男性)、「男女の結び付きは結婚が最終形ではないと思うのでいろんな形があっていいし国も認めていく方向性を考 えてほしい」(44歳男性)、「結婚という枠にとらわれなくていい」(30歳女性)、「柔軟な考え方で良いと思います。お互いの関係がきちんとしていれば 問題なし!」(26歳女性)など。
 けれど、その根本となる愛が本然の愛からはかけ離れてしまっているんでしょうね。本然の愛は、今では母親と子どもの関係の中に僅かに垣間見ることができます。母親は、ただ一方的に愛を注いでいます。そして、子どもが喜んでいる姿が無情の喜びです。ですから、本当の愛は、愛してくださいと求める愛ではないんでしょうね。そう与えたいという思いでしょうね。 ですから、結婚も何故するのかといったら、相手を幸せにしてあげたいという気持ちからするもんであると思いますね。

"I do not know the meaning of marriage," "I do not know the difference between marriage and cohabitation," "life, or just a single." This "view of marriage," said the youth, seems to have been increasing recently. At age 50 was launched in 2010, "never married rate" was 19.4% in men and 9.8% for women (census). Age at first marriage is rising every year. In Japan, the increasingly late marriage or unmarried, "and the first full-fledged marriage values" that are becoming obsolete. Against this backdrop, the site introduces marriage "youbride" survey conducted for men and women to membership, the interesting "view of marriage" was found.
In France, since 1999, is a looser relationship between legal marriage "PACS (Civil Solidarity Contract Law)" has been established. It also said the law provided, but what of France's strict legal restrictions in regard to marriage and divorce, "PACS" terms, the Japanese who are unmarried or have to wonder what thoughts went.
Positive opinion "on the legal relationship of marriage double track, I think I have more options in" (44 year-old male), "Marriage in Japan because of heavy images, think of such good "(27 year-old male)," relationship between men and women in the final form of marriage is going the direction we want to recognize some countries there are various forms Iishi not think so "(44 year-old male)," the framework of marriage Torawarenaku to do it "(woman 30 years old)," I may be a flexible approach. no problem if they properly relate to each other "(female 26 years old), etc..I tell people I'm not a real value and meaning of marriage. Although I will increase our natural parents, their parents, I very disappointing from 知Rana the meaning and value do I get married.
It will inevitably continue to collapse if the collapse of the family community. I will continue to disappear and the country. Maybe too distant future, certainly if the trend continues the Japanese nation is in full fling I'll go the way of destiny will disappear. Life has been around for years in the three major questions. Origin (where I come from?) Purpose (Why should I do?) And I go where the final? (Afterlife), or I would. People told me it clearly is not yet clear. In this respect, and give a clear answer three major questions of life, I would like people need to demonstrate clearly the value and meaning of marriage's purpose in life.
People are full-fledged marriage. In a human male to female is of course also included. Life begins married life is going to walk around one of the inborn love of men and women. Earlier, a man who protects the chastity of women is to become a respectable person. I would go the natural way and married. And I would be going after marriage protects the chastity of one another.
But, from the love of their fundamental and innate love I would've been far from closed. Love is inborn, can now be glimpsed only in the relationship to mother and child. His mother has just pouring love unilateral. And that figure is bliss is happy with children. So, true love, in love and finding love is I will not no please. I'll give it a thought. So, why you went and got married, I think that the feeling is that to increase to mon happy person.
Clearly demonstrate the way people love it, I might when I needed to mankind.

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