
社会人基礎力育成グランプリ2012(2012 Grand Prix of working people develop basic skills)

社会人基礎力とは「職場や地域社会の中で多様な人々とともに仕事する上で必要な基礎的な能力」として、経済産業省が提言したもので、学問で得られる専門知識 やスキル以外に、仕事をする上で必要になる基本的な力のことで、大きく分類すると「前に踏み出す力(アクション)」「考え抜く力(シンキング)」「チーム で働く力(チームワーク)」の3種類。これらは、「主体性」「働きかけ力」「実行力」「課題発見力」「計画力」「創造力」「発信力」「傾聴力」「柔軟性」「情況把握力」「規律性」「ストレスコントロール力」の12要素に分かれる。すべての大学が出場して頂点を競い合えればいいんでしょうね。国公立大学や有名私立大学の出場が少ないのが寂しいですね。

This Ministry is about, teaching activities at the university, the students' basic skills working people "or compete with how much growth" 2012 Grand Prix of basic skills training working people, "announced the preliminary competition of the local schools participating. The district qualifying tournament to be held in six locations nationwide in mid-November, 108 university teams compete to determine the 88. Finals teams passed the qualifying tournament district (to be held February 27, 2012) to compete in the. The best universities, the Ministry of Trade and Industry to be awarded.

And basic skills working people the "skills fundamental need in order to work with diverse people in the community and the workplace" as those advocated by the Ministry of Economy, in addition to skills and knowledge obtained in the study , by the fundamental forces needed in order to work, and roughly divided into "power take before (action)" power "think out (thinking)" power "work in a team (team work)," three. These are "independence" power "working" power "run" power "issues found" power "plan," "creative" power "outgoing" power "listen", "flexibility" power "situational awareness", "orthostatic" "stress power control "is divided into 12 elements. I will not compete for top Ere I have played all universities. It is sad that a few of the participating public universities and prestigious private university.

Participating schools and other details, please refer to the https://www.kisoryoku.net/.

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