
記念日の夕食(Anniversary Dinner)


うどんと簡単ビビンバ( noodle and Simple bibimbap
I am a wife to cook like a slow time is standing in the kitchen making a meal is not a clause. Today is the anniversary for the couple, wife becomes too 6pm at work go out the back. 2 out of decision making about this peek into cold storage. One "simple bibimbap", and chin of each material in a microwave oven and seasoned with sesame oil and soy sauce over. Eggs, scrambled eggs that. Then fry the minced meat, grated ginger to it, and seasoned with soy sauce and sugar. After that, just topping on the rice. Soreto, and noodles. And a simple cake (this is already a commercial product.) Approximately 30 minutes. Mix well and eat. Pretty delicious. Dog's nose, and Nedatsu had got considerably feeding. One Animal Memorial Dinner was a couple with a small dog. Thank! !

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