
Nobel Prize dialog (tentative name).

That March next year , about 10 Nobel Prize winners in history brings together , discuss the global challenges " Nobel Prize dialog " (tentative name) will be held in Japan was decided .
In the past , was open in Sweden Nobel Foundation according to the Nobel Prize ceremony in December . Events winners of this only gather uncommon in the world , it's going to be a valuable opportunity to spice up interest in science .
Dialog began in 2012 . In order to have them understand the importance of science and technology and the Nobel Prize , Nobel Foundation , decided to alternately open and Sweden , countries other than Sweden later this year . It sounded to Japan and South Korea to hold the next , in Japan , it was supposed to be held under the auspices of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science . South Korea are reportedly considering holding .
The dialog of the past , politicians and researchers of 30-40 people, including Nobel Prize winners gathered , I talked to the theme gene , the energy . Theme in Japan 's undecided , citizens lecture by winners also are scheduled , and we anticipate participants 1,000 scale , such as young researchers and the general public in the Promotion of Science . I feel that I want you to open meeting to discuss various problems of global scale I will .


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