
Development of infrared sensors.

The glare the introduction of early warning satellites that can detect missile launches quickly , it was the firm policy of the next fiscal year , the government will start the development of infrared sensors that can also be used in outer space .
The introduction itself early warning satellites there are still cautious , but it is determined that the success in the development of sensors , improved warning and surveillance ability glared China and North Korea can expect .
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency is the space agency the country's only (JAXA) is equivalent to development along with the Ministry of Defense . The initial budget 2014 , the government accounted for approximately 50 million yen development costs . Development of the sensor , was specified government put together in '09 to " Basic Space Plan" , but Space Agency method, which is installed basis of JAXA until revised in '12 , development activities in the field of security restrictions have been . It was decided that received a " deregulation " , embark on the development of the available sensors in space .
It will should be able to operate the warning satellites mounted on a satellite to develop as soon as possible .


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